In September of 2010, Jennifer Cece and Susan Weinrich, Founding and current President and founding, former Vice Present of Peace4Paws, visited the Kindness Ranch in Hartsville, Wyoming ( Since 2010 Peace4Paws has helped to support all kinds of animals at the Kindness Ranch from horses to pigs to cats to dogs and more all of which were used for medical research. Jennifer and Susan went to deliver the funds raised from our events and to see the ranch itself. They were immensely pleased with the quality of care that the animals receive, and awestrick by the astounding beauty of this 1000 acre Wyoming ranch. Following this column are some pictures to illustrate this satisfying experience.
You will see two yurts (or western condos) situated right next to each other. The one on the left side of the picture is the home for the dogs, called the "dog yurt", and the one on the right is the home for cats and called "the cat yurt". There are barns and fields for the pigs, sheep and horses. There is a huge white barn for training and miscelaneous events towards the front of the ranch. By northeast standards, the gigantic barns, the perfectly appointed condos, the gorgeous endlessly rolling land are just surreal. For a research animal, the Kindness Ranch is heaven on earth!
We are happy to report that all the animals are well cared for, alert, affectionate, and friendly. Many of the dogs we met were from the food testing industry. One sweet fella is named Harley. He stayed in our condo ("yurt") one night for a sleep over. The other cats and dogs were from the pharmaceutical industry.
"Never in all my life have I met such friendly horses" said Jennifer Cece. The horses we met were rescues from the Premarin testing industry. They were so incredibly sweet and loving. We will add a link on this website for those who want to learn more about the Premarin testing industry. Essentially the mares must have a foal to move forward in the process generating urine for the Premarin manufacturing process. The Premarin foals are generally slaughtered soon after birth, but the Kindness Ranch was even able to adopt some Premarin foals. The Premarin foal we will meet on this website is named Clyde. Kindness Ranch rescued him all the way from Canada. Premarin does not have to be manufactured from the urine of female horses. There are plenty of natural ways to manufacture the same type of drug, and therefore not involve the mares or their baby foals.
Overall, the Kindness Ranch animals exude joy that is contagious. They know they have been rescued. You cannot help but love them. More animals of research and related fields need to find their way to the Kindness Ranch. With the help of the Peace4Paws volunteers and donors, and any other caring individual who supports the Kindness Ranch, and sanctuary for research animals, more retired animals can continue to find sanctuary and forever homes through the Kindness Ranch. Jennifer Cece, 2010.
Please enjoy this photo gallery from our visit.