1. Please share the flier/event with all your family and friends! we have many dogs/puppies who need adopted
2. Trumpeters
3. Handlers
4. clean up crew 345p-430p
5. floaters to help facilitate and relieve handlers
1. Foster a dog ! Or care for a dog whose foster parent is on vacation.
2. Walk one of our foster dogs In foster care or in boarding.
3. Transport our newly arriving foster dogs to foster homes.
4. Transport a dog to the vet, to a playdate, to an adoption event and more.
1. Take on an administrative job
a. Send thank you letters for donations
b. Upload our press releases to online newspapers
c. Eblast announcements via email
2. Be a writer – write for our website or newspaper or more
3. Write a letter to a celebrity or sports figure requesting donations or personal appearance *****
4. Support our social media presence
a. Like our Facebook page – Peace4Paws (Invite your friends to like Peace4Paws) Share our Facebook posts of pictures, requests for donations or search for foster homes
b. Follow us on Twitter – (and invite your friends to follow)
c. Follow us on Instagram – (and tell your friends)
d. Help us communicate with our Twitter followers, we need an intern for that!
5. When you make purchases from Amazon, use www.amazon.com/smile and choose Peace4Paws as your charity.
6. Purchase chocolates from http://www.rescuechocolate.com/ and choose Peace4paws as your charity.
7. Download this app. http://resqwalk.com/ Then every time you walk, a donation goes towards Peace4Paws. It’s that simple.
8. Invite family & friends to purchase candles or other gift items from Yankee Candle. yankeecandlefundraising.com Code: 999982561
1. Hang posters for our events at places where you frequent or at family businesses. ***
2. Volunteer to work at the event. Assist with setup, merchandise sales, walk and comfort dogs.
3. Hold a bake sale at your school events to raise money.
4. Bake cookies or make dog biscuits to hand out free at adoption events.
5. Bring our fliers to school or events that you are attending.
6. Attend our events as an audience member.
7. And bring friends! Have you opened a new location, redesigned your shop, or added a new product or service? Don't keep it to yourself, let folks know.